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UL 817对插头印字做出的新要求
来源: | 作者:id20383533 | 发布时间: 2019-05-28 | 9700 次浏览 | 分享到:

TO: Subscribers to UL’s Listing and Recognition Service for Cord Sets and Power Supply Cords (ELBZ and ELBZ7)
致:电线组件及插头线 (ELBZ和ELBZ7)列名及认可服务的客户

SUBJECT:  Marking Requirement Change for Listed Power Supply Cords

The purpose of this bulletin is to inform manufacturers of power supply cords of a revised Follow-Up Service marking requirement.

The marking requirement described in this bulletin will go into effect on July 1,2015.

The instructions in this bulletin supersede the instructions in the Subject 817 FUII dated August 10, 2012. Until formal revisions are made to the FUIIs, please file this bulletin with your Follow-Up Service Procedure.

As part of UL’s goal to continue to improve the integrity of the UL Mark, as part of our enhanced Mark Integrity Program, and to differentiate UL Certified power supply cords from other certifiers, UL will be requiring that the “UL” in a circle be molded on the face (or other surface) of the attachment plug. Having the “UL” in a circle molded on the plug will help to identify that the complete PSC is UL certified.
  Users of a PSC where the flexible cord bears the UL Mark could easily assume that the complete PSC is UL Certified, when, in reality, only the flexible cord is certified. It is important that users of PSC can clearly identify that the PSC is UL Certified, especially after the packaging, including the holographic label, has been removed.
Please note the use of the “UL” in a circle molded on the attachment plug is in addition to, not in lieu of, the use of the Holographic labels as both are needed as evidence of UL coverage.

As this marking change would require tooling modifications, and in some cases your customer’s approval to add the “UL” in a circle to the molds, an 18 months effective date was determined acceptable.

